Faces: 43,899
Tris: 87,074
UV: Yes
Texture Maps: Yes
Materials: Yes
High detailed and realistic Cannabis home plant, high resolution 1K texture maps that will work well for close up renders.
Access Course here: https://courses.3dmodelsworld.com/cinematic-environments-in-maya-and-arnold-on-sale/
Related 3d models:
Works With The Following Softwares:
- Maya
- 3DS Max
- Cinema 4D
- Blender
- Unreal Engine
- Unity
- “.MAX” “.FBX” “.OBJ”
Detailed Information for the Cannabis Sativa 3D Model:
- High Quality -Very Detailed Low to Mid Poly 3D Model .
- The Model is Optimized and Modeled With High Efficiency and Attention to the Edge Flow for Best Rendering Results.
- All the Texture Maps is Included in the File.
- 1K Branches Color Map.
- 1K Branches Bump Map.
- 1K Leaf Version1 Color Map.
- 1K Leaf Version1 Bump Map.
- 1K Leaf Version1 Alpha Map.
- 1K Leaf Version2 Color Map.
- 1K Leaf Version2 Bump Map.
- 1K Leaf Version2 Alpha Map.
- Everything is Grouped and Named Correctly Including the Materials.
- Everything is Well Organized for no Confusion.
- The Model is Ready to Render Immediately, No Extra Steps is Necessary, Just Import the Scene and Start Rendering.
- No Extra Plugins Needed to Render or Import the 3D Model.
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