A short story of the creation of snowman in a land far far away!, a short cartoony animation created by our team at 3D Models World celebrating christmas and the new year.
Its a story of two snowballs journey from top of the mountain from their home tree to the backyard of a house to bring a big surprise to the family that live in it, the events of the creation of the snowman in this short film happens in a random and unintentional way animated in cartoony and fun style!
The Idea:
We was wondering what it will be like if a kid wanted a snowman and when he wakes up in the next day he found one that already being built, then we started to create the events and ideas from there.
We wanted to have the whole snowman creation to be a random event so everything need to happen by accident, we started to draw some ideas of the head and the body as a separate snow balls that roll down the hill and gets bigger by time.
When it came to create the arms of the snowman it was actually a pretty fun task to do, the idea was the arms of the snowman will be picked up by the body while rolling down hill also we applied the same idea to the head picking the eyes and nose.
One of the super fun shots to do was the slow motion shot of the snowman jumping of the cliff with the moon in the background, we wanted to create this magical moment and also give it a little bit of a dynamic feel, this shot was actually added later toward the end just to give the whole short an extra detail and to help sell the story better.
Another fun challenge was the ending when all the pieces of the snowman comes together we had our animators go extreme on the movement and the wobble on the snowman to make him feel squishy and fun.
The Software’s:
We used Maya for modeling, texturing, rigging and animation, we used mental-ray for rendering and the compositing done in After Effects. the final editing done in Adobe Premier.
It was a great short to work on and our team had a blast working on it, hope you guys will like it too! feel free to share and we wish you a great new year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to You All π